Stressed? Yes and No

Well nerdlettes (Because if you read my blogs…I may feel bad for you xD),

I THOUGHT my biology finals were on Tuesday (tomorrow) but NOOOO they’re TODAY :s I’m pretty nervous!
BUUT…..I DID study over the weekend and Last Friday I already asked my teacher if I could get put into a seperate room from everyone else. See, usually at big tests like this…I start to lose it.
I hate being that person where everyone’s done and I’m not, i feel the need to rush through it then just to say I finished it.
Like last time I took a final literally the whole class finished…except me. So, I put down a whole bunch of bullshit answers JUST to be done. But, I truly need to do well…so on this one I will! I’m shooting for at least a B maybe a B-. A lot of people say ‘Oh. Why don’t you shoot for an A’ Why? Because I’m realistic. I make realistic goals. I know I don’t know EVERYTHING on this final, I know that. I’d be super happy with a C even. I got this guys.

P.s. Part of me will probably feel better once I’m actually taking the final.

~ Nerdy Stressful Girl


Stressed? Yes and No
